Sell Your Training Your Way

Coupons, passes, subscriptions oh my!

Are you exploring ways to expand your course offerings and reach new markets to boost sales revenue? Your LMS should support subscription models, bundled courses, or partnership programs, enabling you to tap into diverse audiences and maximize your course profitability.


Create new possible sales options for my courses




Screenshot of a system access report


Sales journeys

Dive into our vision, and step through the ideal approach to meeting this goal.


Learner purchases an activity at full price

Create custom catalog page(s) that list your activities and control how they are browsed, with options for searching, sorting and filtering.

Screenshot of a system access report

Alternative prices

Learner purchases an activity at a discounted rate

Automatically apply discounted pricing to learners based on your organization's custom metadata (i.e., location, profession, partner).

Screenshot of a system access report


Learner uses a coupon code to purchase an activity at a discount

Learners has a coupon code, which may be used to apply a discunt to the activity. These coupons may last forever or expire.

Screenshot of a system access report

Promo Codes

Influencer uses a coupon code to enrol into the activity at no-charge

Provide influencers and media with coupons for free access to an activity. These learners can use the promottional coupon for a 100% discount, skipping the cart entirely and enrolling them into the activity.

Screenshot of a system access report

Bulk purchases

Customer purchases an activity for a group of learners

Bulk purchases allow for a complete B2B channel, whether customers bulk purchase via the LMS or through your organization directly. Allow customers to manage the distribution of their purchases and track their learners' progress.

Screenshot of a system access report


Learner purchases a pass, giving them limited-time access to a group of your activities

Bundle activities into a pass, to simplify limited-time purchases of bundled activities.

Screenshot of a system access report


Learner purchases a subscription, giving them limited-time access to all of your activities

Bundle activities into a pass, to simplify limited-time purchases of bundled activities.

Screenshot of a system access report


Thinking Cap LMS features make this possible

Sitemap + Pages

Create store fronts with custom pages, listing any activities, searching, sorting and filtering you choose.

Custom branding

Customize your purchase experience completely to match your company's branding. Go beyond logo and color choices, and apply your own custom design (pst... like we have with our website).

AI Purchase tile

Add this tile to your home and watch it streamline your purchases. Learners enter a code, and the LMS determines which type of code (coupon, promo, bulk purchase enrollment) and automatically either adds the activity to the cart with the appropriate discount, or enrols the learner.

Custom metadata

Describe your learners and your activities however you wish using custom metadata or a variety of types.

Single Sign On (SSO)

Allow learners to sign-in using their Google or Facebook account.


Control the registration process down to the form fields to be included. Don't want to make them fill in all of the fields before they purchase? Opt to present the remaining fields after they have logged in for the first time.

Learning paths

Bundle all of the onboarding activities, regardless of the type of activity, into a learning path, presenting employees with a clear road to completion.

Content Libraries

Integrate content from external suppliers, such as our partner content providers: ezector, GO1, LinkedIn Learning, OpenSesame and more.

Due date notification

Customize your due date-related notifications to send an email to your new employees (and possibly their managers and skip-level managers) who have not completed their activities directing them to the LMS.

Overdue repeating notifications

Customize your overdue notifications to send a different email at repeating cadences to your new employees, their managers and skip-level managers who have not completed their activities directing them to the LMS.


Customize your certificte templates, which generates a PDF for each learner as they complete the activity.

Completions reports

Reports can be generated either on an ad-hoc basis or scheduled to run regularly, catering to the needs of both your team and stakeholders.

Sync completions

Integrating your LMS with with your internal systems or shared data store (i.e., AWS Aurora) will send near-realtime enrollment completions data.

Onboarding services

Our onboarding team will set all of this up for you, while they onboard you into Thinking Cap LMS.


Thinking Cap will make your life easier

There are many benefits to implementing these changes that go beyond the obvious.

Accelerates onboarding

A streamlined onboarding process reduces the time it takes for new employees to become proficient.

Consistent training

Standardized and approved onboarding ensures consistency for all employees.

Compliance and risk management

Employees complete required training faster, meeting your compliance, ploicy and safety requirements sooner.

Time saving

Removes the manual tasks such as account mangement, enrollment, notifications, escalations and reporting.

Manager involvement

The sooner a manager knows an employee has training to do, the faster it gets done.

Improved reporting

Enhanced tracking enables more effective reporting on training and compliance.


Scales to accommodate an increasing volume of new hires and new levels of management.

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